What I’m about to admit to you does not come easy. But… there is a verse in the Bible that is so personally upsetting… so emotionally disturbing… I almost feel like I shouldn’t point it out to you, lest you likewise fall into the same pit of turmoil in which I find myself.
One of the most vast and important teachings ever scribed onto parchment is found in what has been widely known as Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount. Found in Matthew’s Gospel are life instructions that even non-Christians regard as wise and relevant, covering a diverse spectrum of issues. However, I will now admit to you that it is herein that I find a most disturbing piece of instruction.
It is a fact that we all worry too much. And why not? Each and everyone one of us is drowning in the daily deluge of worrisome news. The economy… wars… storms… unemployment… health concerns… the list is endless. It is enough to drive even the most optimistic of souls to despair.
So, one has to ask… When Jesus says, “Do not worry… about life… food… clothing”, could it be at all within the realm of possibility that his words are relevant in today’s world? Certainly things were different back then. Life was much less hectic. The crowd to which he spoke didn’t have near the pressures and concerns that we have today. His words cannot possibly be relevant today.
Besides the fact that his words just don’t seem realistic into today’s complex world, I don’t like to eat worms! His comparing the “feeding of birds” to my nutritional needs seems… well… crazy! I don’t eat worms!!! My dietary desires are much more complex than WORMS!!!
The problem with all of this teaching is that we have been led to believe that Matthew 6:25-34 is a lesson on worry. And I am now convinced that this is not the case. Furthermore, to believe that it is a lesson about worrying will only lead one to further frustration and despair. You can trust me on this one; this lesson is NOT about worry. What, then, is it about? Hold on… not so fast… I’ll get there in a minute.
It is the last verse of this lesson… specifically the last few words, that are, IMHO, “The Most Disturbing Verse in the Bible”. Here it is:
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Did you see it? The most “arrrrrgggggg” word in the entire Bible!!! It’s right there…
ENOUGH!!!! Do you see it? ENOUGH!!!!! One simple word that makes me want to scream. WHAT DOES JESUS MEAN??? ENOUGH!!! HE IS KIDDING ME?? ENOUGH!!!!!
Let’s look at it again.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has ENOUGH trouble of its own.
And to add insult to injury, it doesn’t say that there will be an “occasional” day with ENOUGH trouble… Oh, no. It says EACH day… each and every day. No reprieve. No respite. No lull. No peace. EACH AND EVERY DAY!!! has ENOUGH!!! trouble.
WHO DECIDES? Who decides HOW much is ENOUGH trouble. HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH???? DO I GET A VOTE? If not; why not? NO ONE HAS ASKED ME LATELY, HOW MUCH IS ENOUGH? And if they had, I would have told them: “I’VE HAD ENOUGH!!!”
So who is deciding how much is enough? I look at the lives of people in my Church, and I would think that ANYONE with an ounce of compassion would come to the conclusion that some of these folks have HAD ENOUGH!! So… I ask again… What committee is making the “ENOUGH” decisions?
IS THERE AN APPEALS PROCESS? No… really… I’m serious here. I want to know what the process is to file an appeal. To what Appellate Court can I turn? When I look at what some people face, I would conclude that the “ENOUGH” decision maker, if they in fact have the ability to control the “enough” issue, should be charged with abuse of power… with official malfeasance… with criminal malpractice. I WANT TO APPEAL!!!!
You see, when you read Matthew 6:25-34 as a lesson on worry, it makes you want to scream. It makes no sense whatsoever. It only drives one into further worry and despair. However, I would with absolute certainy tell you today that this lesson is not about worry. But rather… It is about…. HERE IT COMES… Don’t miss it… It is about PROVIDENCE. And I don’t mean Rhode Island. It is about a truth that is seldom taught and long forgotten.
In our world of warehouses filled to overflowing with every imaginable appliance, convenience, and contraption…. In our world of Internet shopping, which transports anything and everything… which delivers the world to our front door… we no longer need a Providential God. In a world covered by myriad insurances - car, home, medical, life - who needs God? In a culture where the government steps in and rescues souls from the results of their folly, who needs a Providential God? Every hurricane, every tornado, every attack... all are met with the largess of the government. Everything is covered.
This has not always been the case. Not too many generations ago, people needed God. They understood Providence. Without the Providence of God, they were lost. But, sadly, that may not be true today. Let’s do a little test. Ask any teenager… better yet, any Christian teenager, 15 years or older, to define the word providence. Leave a post / comment below as to what answers you get back.
The only way to properly apply the lesson of Matthew 6:25-34 is to be able to fully answer the, “How much is trouble is enough”, question. And… There is ONLY ONE acceptable answer. And it is: ENOUGH TO KNOW THAT GOD IS PROVIDENT!!!! Enough to know that God can and will meet our every need no matter what that need may be. It is a great comfort to know that the one making the “enough” decision is the same one that will supply what is required to bring us victory in the middle of, over, and through the “enough”.
You do realize that those “Section Summary / Titles” that are written into your Bibles are not “inspired”; right? I would suggest that you go get a pen… right now… go get a pen. Turn in your Bible to Matthew chapter 6. If your Bible has an editor / publisher Section Title something similar to “Do Not Worry” at the beginning of this lesson…. I would suggest that you put a line though it. That’s right… mark it out, and replace it with “GOD IS PROVIDENT!!”
Now put your pen away and stop worrying. Go live life to the fullest. God is a Providential God that will always and forever take care of you.
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