Friday, May 15, 2009


God inhabits the praises of his people…. Psalm 22:3

You’ve heard it preached… Amen! Let’s praise the Lord; for the Lord inhabits the praises of His people… Everyone shout. Everyone sing. Hallelujah!

I am here today to proclaim to you that I completely, categorically, and without reservation, do not believe this to be true. That’s correct. I do not believe that God inhabits the praise of his people. And it is my sincere hope, that before I am finished (if you will not stop reading, but will continue to my conclusion) you will agree with me. As a matter of fact, not only do I not believe this to be true, but I do not want it to be true. I would run as fast and as far as I possibly could away from any religious experience in which this were the case.

Secondly, (and if you don’t already think I have lost my mind, the following will probably convince you) I do not want the anointing! No sir. I don’t want it. I am not seeking it. And if I find it, I will avoid it. If the anointing to which I refer is what I believe many Christians perceive it to be, then it is my sincere hope that no one ever thinks me to be anointed. If they believe that I am, then I have given the wrong impression and I will do whatever I can to correct this perception. I have obviously misled them.

What word is found 100 times in the New Testament but not once in the Old? Let me give you a few clues.

Clue #1: Jesus experienced it. #2: There are three different ways we may experience it. #3: David didn’t experience it. #4: We are told to do it all over the world. #5: Paul was glad that he didn’t do it very much.

Do you have the answer? Not yet?

To be continued............

1 comment:

  1. Am I allowed to answer? lol

    If so...




    Baptize or any form of it is never once found in the Old Testiment.
