Red ripe strawberries in December. Camouflage underwear. One of these is unnatural. The other illogical. We live in a world that makes no sense. It is true that I was not there, and as a result I cannot know for certain, but even a casual study of history would suggest that my Grandparents lived in a time that made sense… common sense. Indeed, it was a time of great struggle and hard work, but at least the pieces seemed to fit together. I realize that I am viewing their world through a backward facing prism, and that may present a distorted image… But, when Grandma and Grandpa Richey ate fresh strawberries, it was because it was the season to do so. When they bought something, it had a function, a purpose. It was logical. What they did had meaning. It made common sense to do it.
I have resigned myself to the truth that I will very likely not “change” my world. I have concluded that I am basically just along for the ride. But, the one thing that I can attempt to do is to understand it. Understanding is a fun thing to do. Understanding connects you with others. Understanding keeps the mind alive and fresh. Even King Solomon advised us to, “Get understanding”. However, I will admit that it is getting harder to get.
Some things in our present world are illogical. Camouflage underwear is an example. Why would anyone spend hard earned money on camo undies? Who hunts in their BVD’s? Do deer hunters sit in their deer stands in their underwear? Since camo clothing is meant to conceal the hunter from the prey, if camo underwear is not being worn for that purpose, then why? That is to say, if it is not being worn so that it won’t be seen, it must be being worn for the benefit of who will see it. Who is going to see the camouflage?
The only logical thing that I can think of as a possible reason for camo undies would be that maybe an odd group of hunters sitting around the camp lodge fireplace in their skivvies discussing the day’s hunt would not want to be seen wearing purple and yellow polka dot silk boxers. Camo is, after all, much more “manly”, wouldn’t you agree? It is for this reason that I would never want to be seen purchasing camo underwear. Can you just imagine what is going through the mind of the store clerk… “Oh, you are one of those guys…”
Some things are simply unnatural. A good example: red ripe strawberries in Michigan in December. I have often wondered about the nutritional value of seasonal fruits and veggies. Many times I have suggested that this would be a great Science Fair project. I have read one study that indicates that fresh peaches contain a nutritional substance that is known to prevent skin cancer. Now see, that make sense. It is natural. God puts an ingredient in peaches that would offer, at just the right season, protection to those who would eat them … at the very time when that same person would most likely be spending more time out in the sun. I wish there was a university level study of both the seasonal and geographic connection between locally / seasonally available meats, fruits, and veggies, and the nutritional benefit. I suspect there is more to this than we presently know.
One of my Mother’s house rules, that I very much disliked, was that she would not buy watermelon until Memorial Day. For weeks leading up to that glorious First Watermelon of the Season Day, I would nag Mom to buy a watermelon. We would go to the Kroger Store on North Meridian St. where I would be tortured as I was forced to walk past the mountain of beautiful watermelons. “Why, Mom. Why can’t we get a watermelon?” Her answer was always the same, “The watermelons aren’t good until after Memorial Day.”
It is true that, even on Memorial Day, those melons were being trucked in from some southern State – melons don’t ripen in Indiana until much later in the season – but, I remember the lesson. It was not so much about melons as it was about the seasons.
What do these things have to do with you and me? Well… I enjoy red ripe strawberries at Christmas. I have come to expect to have whatever I want whenever I want it. And that, my friend, is unnatural. I am of a generation that has grown up with a twisted world view. We want and we wait for nothing. We have figured out a way to fool Mother Nature. We do things that are illogical. We expect things that are unnatural.
We expect politicians to do the right thing! We expect OPEC to do what is good for America! We think that our employers exist not to make money, but to provide us with a nice job, a good paycheck, and great benefits. We expect to get mortgages for 120% of the property value, with no money down, a variable rate, and a 5 year balloon payment, and not expect it to someday bite us in the backside. We expect God to take away every difficulty, every sickness, and to provide us with anything and everything we want. We believe in Fairy Tales.
I am really at a point in my life when I want things to be simpler… to make sense. I am really trying to work at this. I am trying to “get understanding”. Just don’t expect me to give up my Christmas strawberries.