Monday, April 14, 2014


According to the Bible, about six thousand years ago there was a man named Adam.  That man had a wife named Eve.  Adam and Eve had children who then had children of their own and thus began human life on this planet.  And, as we say back home: “That’s our story and we’re stickin’ to it.”

As is often the case, once an idea is formulated, we have tendency to pull all other ideas into the realm of the first.  We look for confirmation.  We demand that all external observations must exist in cooperation with the accepted truth of the first idea.  We don’t look before the truth, nor do we accept the notion that what follows the truth should contradict it.  Once an idea is accepted as fact, there is some mechanism of security within us that prevents that verdict from being overturned.  I recently read a great book, The Unthinkable, about how people respond in emergency situations.  One thing that researchers discovered was that people die because they are unwilling to deny the status quo.  The building I have worked in for years has never bit hit by an airplane, so I conclude that it is not happening now.  Many died on 9/11 because they were unable to accept a new truth.  Unable to accept the obvious reality, they sat at their desks while the building burned around them.  They were unwilling to accept a new paradigm.

If we have learned anything from history, it is that it takes a lot of persistence on the part of the proponents of new truth to overturn old truth.  Those who believed the earth to be round faced a long uphill climb to defeat the then prevailing perception.  And let it be noted that the biggest and bloodiest battles were sometimes fought behind the walls of religious zealotry.  Torture and imprisonment and sometime even death awaited those who challenged the accepted truth of the day.  All of which was sanctioned and carried out under the banner of reverence for God.  Is it any wonder that science and religion don’t get along very well together?  Religion has never been a very good dancing partner… especially when Science wants to dance to a new tune.

Sometimes new technologies are likewise banned by the Church.  One of my favorite examples is the fork!  That’s right: the fork.  When the fork was first invented, the Church forbade its use.  The fork was seen as an offense to God who gave us fingers to use.  For nearly 100 years, if you wanted to use a fork, you did so under the scorn of Church.

I would argue that to blindly refuse to accept what is clearly before us is absurd.  God never asks us to put away reality in order to believe.  The Bible declares that all things are possible with God… but, for some, all things are possible with God unless those possibilities challenge what we have chosen to accept as truth.  Nowhere is this more clearly seen than in the theater of the Genesis story.

However, before we get to the Genesis story, we need to first look at the beginning of truth.  What is it that we are expected to believe?   To what must we commit if we are going to discover truth?  In the simplest most basic reduced form, what must we believe?  If you were to hand a Bible to someone and say to them, “Begin here”, where would you have them to start?  Do we start at John 3:16?  What about John 14:6?  What about showing them the Roman Road?   Or, do we suggest Genesis 1:1?  What is the beginning?   Are you ready?  It is really simple. 

In our search for truth, in our search for God, we are required to believe only 2 things: That God exists and that He is the rewarder of those who conscientiously seek Him - Hebrews 11:6.  That’s it!  That’s the beginning of all Scriptural truth.  All other truth is built upon the back of this framework.  No where does the Scripture argue for the existence of God.  We are expected to believe.  The Bible simply says that it is obvious - Romans 1:20 -, and we would be fools to believe otherwise - Psalm 14:1.   Likewise, there is no Scripture that argues for the age of the Earth.  Why do you suppose that is?  First, the answer is obvious.  Secondly, it would be foolish to not acknowledge what simple logic and observation makes clear.  With that thought in mind, let’s get started.

There is a strong and vocal group that demands that we accept the “young earth” truth.  When the Bible says that in the beginning God created the heavens and the earth, that “beginning”, according to this historic and well established position, took place approximately 6000 years ago.  That’s their story and they’re stickin’ to it.  All evidence must comply.  All observations must conform. 

History is clear.  Damned be those heretics, like Copernicus, who would dare to believe something not approved - the earth is flat, and everyone knows it.  Imprisoned must be those, like Galileo, who should think it wise to publish such heresies.  No evidence can ever be presented that would contradict this accepted truth.  We have built a house of cards and all contrary winds must be dispelled.  Divergent opinions must be cancelled.  We cannot be wrong.  Our truth cannot fail.  The earth is still flat - don’t you know?

I would herein suggest that the “young earth” truth is false; just as false as is the “flat earth” truth.  And I would furthermore submit that nowhere within the content of the Bible is the demand placed upon us to believe this “young earth” notion.

The truth is both simple and obvious.  This enormous universe, the surrounding cosmos, this planet has been around a long, long time.  There were no dinosaurs on Noah’s ark.  The earth is round.  And Adam was the last cave man.  Whoa!  What was that?  Where did that come from? 

Where did what come from?  The: “Adam was the last cave man” truth?  Well, it comes directly from the Bible.  One needn’t look beyond the first few pages of the Bible to see this simple truth.  Adam was a very unique man.  He was both the last cave man - a brute beast - and the first soul-man “in the likeness of God”.   

Stick with me here… I will play connect the dots in just a few minutes.   If we believe that the Bible is accurate, and I personally do, then it is not difficult at all to discover and completely accept several very exciting and fascinating facts.

 Facts like:

Adam and Eve had children prior to their collapse into sin - they were well on their way to fulfilling the prime directive…

Cain and Abel were twins…

There were cities on this earth prior to the time of Adam that were occupied by…  

I need to slow down.  I am getting way ahead of myself.

Sometimes we become so busy defending our position that we fail to recognize the error of the place where we stand.  Equally, we sometimes are so quick to gobble down some new idea that we fail to take a moment to read the label whereon we would see the potential toxins of artificial, man made, ingredients.  Either of these two tactics will preclude us from discovering truth.

Recently, I was reading a report about some new and exciting developments in the field of quantum biology.  I do not herein pretend to be any sort of expert in this particular scientific discipline.  I do however find it be fascinating reading.  To summarize: it seems as scientists are making some very remarkable discoveries.  It seems as though - those even slightly familiar with quantum mechanics will quickly make the connection - the very life processes that we all take so for granted, things like photosynthesis, and conscious awareness, even our sense of smell, are happening in such a way so that very small individual atomic particles are occupying several different places at the same time.  Conventional physics would conclude that this is impossible.  But in the realm of quantum physics this type of thing happens regularly.  One single object is observed to be in several locations at the same exact moment in time.  I bring this up for this purpose:  Once again, the realm of science is just now - in the last 40 years - catching up with an idea that the Bible has presented as truth: omnipresence.   This is just one more proof, not that I need it, that a Creator God has built the known visible universe to function in a very similar fashion to his own omnipresence.

It might be wise for me at this juncture to offer a couple of unrelated to our central theme but nonetheless helpful illustrations of this idea that  “science acknowledges the truth” whether they want to or not.  Medical science would refuse to recognize as fact that which cannot be seen and touched.  And yet, medical science uses the placebo effect to authenticate and validate its systems of pharmaceutical treatments.   The law of the land demands that double blind “placebo” studies be done before medicines be approved for use.  What is the placebo effect but that someone believes that an unknowingly benign substance will affect them physically so much so that it actually does.  The entire pharmaceutical industry is built upon the power of belief! 

As another example, one need not look any further than the field of mathematics.  All of geometry is built upon postulates that cannot be proven, but rather, must be accepted as truth in the complete absence of so much as a thread of empirical data.  The fact that the shortest distance between two points is a straight line is one such example.  The existence of a simple geometric point is a creation that only exists in the mind.  Points don’t exist!   And yet, virtually everything around us is built upon these truths that exist only in the mind of the designer.  Some would suggest that they cannot believe in that which cannot be seen, and yet, every piece of architecture that surrounds us is built upon mathematic truth that cannot be seen.

I would continue then to suggest that when anthropologists and paleontologists find more and more evidence of very ancient man like creatures living on this planet, we should not just dismiss these as false, nor should we try to cram this evidence into our preconceived and accepted notion of a young earth.  Again, for emphasis, the Bible does not require me to believe a “young earth” truth, neither is my faith diminished one iota by believing in a “multi-million year old” earth.  Actually, quite the contrary occurs; my faith is vindicated.  Only one small step of understanding a particular door of truth as presented in the Scripture leads us to a brand new world of answers. 

The fossil finders of our day could bring me 10,000 positively authentic prehistoric (pre-dating the last 6000 yrs.) human like skulls and my confidence in the accuracy of the Biblical record would stand even more certain.  They could find 100,000 acres of fossilized footprints of dinosaurs side by side with two-footed, ten-toed man like footprints and I would smile and say, “Would ya looky there - the Bible is correct - prehistoric men were feasting on Dino-T-bone steak!”

You see, without any doubt, I fully believe that there indeed was a large population of man like creatures - beasts, if you will - that lived on this earth during a time that precedes / predates Adam.  I believe that the Bible would in no way rule out that those men-beasts occupied this planet right alongside a civilization of angels - angels that in fact built great cities.  And more likely than not, that prehistoric / pre-Adam earth was filled with animal life unlike anything that has lived here in the last 6000 years.  However, as much fun as it is to explore this truth and now have answers to the many questions that recent discoveries have revealed, the wise man should note that the Holy Spirit spends very little divine ink on the subject.  Why?  Because all of this truth is unnecessary to fulfill the purpose for the Word of God.  That purpose being the introduction of a Holy God to sinful man.  The Bible is for us, not angels.

The Bible in II Peter chapter 2 speaks about men that “blaspheme in matters they do not understand. They are like brute beasts, creatures of instinct, born only to be caught and destroyed, and like beasts they too will perish.”  We can learn much from this Scripture.   We learn that men that blaspheme - something that is spiritual and cannot be done by animals / beasts - can become like beasts, in that they function only out of animal instinct.  We see this around us in the world today.  Men who are soul-less.  Men who have transversed an invisible line and are no longer in the group of men known as sinners.  These men have become animals.  They act not on any knowledge of God or moral compass.  They no longer distinguish between right and wrong.  They have followed the path of those described in Romans chapter 1, even exceeding this after having been given over by God to lives of depravity. 

Men cannot give up their soul.  It is God given.  However, one should consider carefully this thought:  If God gave it, can He not likewise take it away?  These men of II Peter 2 have become even worse than those described in Romans chapter 1.  They commit unthinkable, inhuman crimes. They are animals that kill for pleasure and the only way they can be stopped is in the same manner.  Animals are born ONLY to be caught and destroyed.  Not only have they come to such a place as to  think it not worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God - Romans 1:28 - but, after God has  given them over - He has returned them to their soul-less condition, in which they are now unable to know or worship God.  We in the Church do not like to admit that such a line exists, but it does.  These men are incorrigible.  They cannot be rehabilitated.  They are un-redeemable.  They have entered into a spiritual wasteland of which the Scripture refers when it says, ”These men are springs without water and mists driven by a storm. Blackest darkness is reserved for them” - II Peter 2:17.   

I am well aware that there is a firm resistance to the idea of someone becoming un-redeemable, but we should not, we cannot; ignore what is clearly and plainly set forth in the Scripture.  Jesus himself spoke of a blasphemy so horrible that there could be no forgiveness; neither in this age or the age to come - Matthew 12:31-32.  In Hebrews chapter 10 we find these words: If we deliberately keep on sinning after we have received the knowledge of the truth, no sacrifice for sins is left, but only a fearful expectation of judgment and of raging fire that will consume the enemies of God.  Anyone who rejected the law of Moses died without mercy on the testimony of two or three witnesses.  How much more severely do you think a man deserves to be punished who has trampled the Son of God under foot, who has treated as an unholy thing the blood of the covenant that sanctified him, and who has insulted the Spirit of grace?   And in Chapter 6: It is impossible…if they fall away, to be brought back to repentance… [they are] …worthless and in danger of being cursed. In the end [they] will be burned.   They will perish without God.  So, if it is possible for man to become like a beast of the field.  If that is true… then why not the other way around?

When we speak about men that have become like brute beasts, we are not referring here to sinful man.   That is an altogether different condition.  The Bible makes reference
to 4 different conditions in which men can exist.  The first is beast-men… this is the category unto which the prehistoric “cave” men would fall, as well as those we have just identified from II Peter - unredeemable animals.  This would have been the condition of man [Adam] before God breathed upon him the breath of life.  These men are without souls.  Notice the comparison between when God imparts a soul to man - noted in Genesis -, and when God gives man over to become reprobate - see Romans chapter 1.  God is the only one that can give a soul; he thus necessarily is the only one that can take it away.   He is the only one that can make a beast a man; likewise he is the only one, though it is not his desire to do so (II Peter 3:9), that can make a man a beast.  The second condition is man who has never sinned and is infused with the Spirit of God… this category is referred to as a living soul or living being.  This is Adam’s race before sin.  The third is sinful man in need of a Savior.  This is Adam’s race after the fall into sin.  This condition, one which every one of us is all too familiar, is one in which the individual has the ability to know God, and the freedom to accept the witness of the Holy Spirit concerning God, or to reject it, which is the blasphemy for which there is no possible forgiveness.  The last condition is a man who has sinned, but has called out to God to save him.  This is the man that has been born again… a new creation. This is man redeemed.

Look to Genesis 2:19 - Now the LORD God had formed out of the ground all the beasts of the field.  Now look to Genesis 2:7 - the LORD God formed the man from the dust of the ground...  In both cases we see exactly the same process.  God formed both the beasts (brute creatures ruled by instinct) and man from the dust of the ground.  You should notice that in verse 7, I intentionally stopped without finishing the sentence… and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living being.  

I wanted you to first see that man and the animals / beasts were brought into existence in exactly the same way.  Just as the beasts of the field are alive in the physical sense, so too was man.  And secondly, I wanted to be able to show a sequence of events in the case of man.   God first formed him from the elements of this earth, just as he had the beasts, and at that moment this man was equal to all other beasts.  Then… and then… and then at an understood to be immediately subsequent moment (however, we have no way of knowing for certain how long of a time that man remained in this soul-less condition), God breathed on man the breath, the Spirit of life and he became something that had never been on this planet before.  It is that moment, however short or long it does not matter, before man became a living soul upon which I want us to focus our attention.  For that moment, this man that would become Adam was… are you ready?.. Man was a beast-man… he was a living animal without being a living soul.  This man was the last “cave” man.  And then… And then in a moment that would change everything, God gave this beast-man spiritual life and he became Adam.  God gave Adam a purpose that the animals - that creatures of instinct - did not, could not have.  God gave man moral awareness.  God created Adam for fellowship on a level that had never existed before.  The last cave-man became the first soul-man.  A man became Adam.

Now for the first time, a new class of being - a soul-man - was given dominion over a newly renovated earth.  The fact of which now brings us to the aforementioned small step of understanding of a particular door of truth.  Again, because this information is not needed for man to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus, the Bible does not go into great detail about it.  There is no grand narrative from which we can learn about the pre-Adam world.  What we have is a gap between Adam’s world and the world during the prior epoch of the Angels.  What we have is a breach into which we may fill with the information the Bible does give us.   Also, there is much information concerning our planet that has been clearly observed by scientific discovery that, fitting nowhere within the historic world of the last 6000 years, fits very nicely into this gap.  Where is this gap found in the Scripture?   Between Genesis 1:1 and Genesis 1:2.  And once we step through the door that this gap creates, answers come and the confidence of faith is upheld. 

What do we know for sure?   We know that Satan is a created being.  We know that he is of the angel class.  We know that he was given rulership here on earth.  We know that he rebelled against God and along with one third of all the angels tried to overthrow the throne of God.  We know that this rebellion was unsuccessful and that his position of authority was lost.  (Ezekiel 28:12-19, Isaiah 14:12-14)   We know that all of this occurred at some time prior to the world as it was at the time of Adam.  We also know that prior to the condition noted in Genesis 1:2 there were cities.  The earth was fruitful.  There were animals; for, the Bible says that the birds had flown away.  (Jeremiah 4:23-28)   

Although the Bible gives us no more information than that cities did exist in the pre-Adam world, there have been discoveries that could perhaps be nothing less than archaeological evidence of their existence.  The underwater ruins offshore of Yonaguni, a small island southwest of Okinawa, Japan are one such example.  Another would be the archaeological remains of a lost city that have been discovered underwater in the Gulf of Cambay off the western coast of India.  Current satellite mapping technologies are producing below sea level images the implications of which we are only beginning to understand.  The next few decades could be some of the most exciting ever as we discover that which has been hidden for millennia.  While it might be fun to speculate further about these cities, such speculation is not our purpose here.  So we will leave this behind us and continue on.

The period of time during which lived the great and strange creatures that we know as dinosaurs fits very fine into this gap.   Much of the substantial fossilized remains of plant and animal life that are found around the world can be easily placed into this gap.  No longer do “young-earthers” have to try to defend their position upon the basis of a calcified “fossil” hat - the supposed evidence that the fossil record is young instead of very, very old.   To believe this preposterous idea would be tantamount to believing that it was found at the very outermost edge of a flat earth...  Actually, it was found in 1995 in Tasmania.  I suppose some would argue that Tasmania is at the edge of the Earth!
It is into this gap between Genesis 1:1 and 2 that all of this took place.  Isaiah 45:18 tells us that the Lord made the earth to be inhabited.  Consequently, the formless and void condition of Genesis 1:2 and Jeremiah 4:23 could not remain so.  Therefore, God would have to renovate a desolate and flooded earth and make it hospitable for habitation once again, that the prime directive could be fulfilled and the earth replenished. (Genesis 1:28 kjv) I don't want to make too big of a deal out of this so as not to suggest that an entire doctrine be built upon a single word of a single verse, but... Notice that the word is "re"plenish, not plenish.

There is not one deed recorded in the 6 days of Genesis chapters 1 and 2 that is mitigated by a gap between “In the beginning” and “formless and void”.   As I have previously suggested, my faith is supported in double measure.  That’s correct: double measure.  Not only do I believe, as do “young-earthers” that God is the supreme Creator… I also believe that He is the great Rebuilder, Renovator, and Redeemer!  In a moment, with a word - Psalm 33:6 -, in the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth!  Out of nothing came everything.  And to this very date, not one particle of energy has been lost.  The power of God continues to touch the farthest, most remote places of our universe… to the place known by Astronomers as the event horizon - and to this day He continues, sustaining all things by his powerful word.  Hebrews 1:3

During six days: God spoke and the darkness was peeled away by light; God spoke and fully mature plants spontaneously came forth from ground that had been saturated by flood waters only 48 hours before.  God spoke, and animals… brand new species that had never lived on the Earth suddenly flew and swam and lived!!   In six short days, God the Creator acted as God the Renovator and he made a planet, which would not support life, livable.  Not only that, He also moved in the new inhabitants!  Talk about an Extreme Home Makeover!! 

Let’s for a moment consider what this Earth was like as it stood “formless and empty”. The atmosphere was toxic.  This third rock from the sun, which was covered with boiling waters that were so hot and polluted that no life could exist, made its daily turn upon its axis beneath the wrath and judgment of God.  Darkness covered the surface of the deep waters.  Then our great God of mercy and love looked at the devastation.  God’s command pealed forth from the Throne.  Move over… The Master Architect is back in town… and on the sixth day… Everything changed in perhaps the biggest, most spectacular way since Genesis 1:1.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


Without question there are many issues that tear at the fabric of our culture.  However, I think I might have stumbled upon what may very well be at the heart of what troubles America today.   I suspect the beginnings of the current manifestations of this idea can be traced to the societal turmoil of the 1960’s and 70’s.  

These were troubled times.  The assassinations of Political and Cultural leaders shocked the nation.   The damage of the war in Southeast Asia was not confined to just Vietnam, Cambodia, or Laos.  I do not want to mitigate the seriousness of the horrible bloodshed of a war zone, but a less obvious damage nonetheless was inflicted upon the lives of a generation of young Americans that experienced both the bloodshed of a war on foreign soil, and the political corruption at home.  Additionally, one cannot ignore the dramatic changes that were taking place to what might be called the “moral” standard that loosely defined a previous generation.

It was during this time that a phenomenon that was referred to nearly 100 yrs. ago by Teddy Roosevelt as the “hyphenation of America” established itself in our society.  (Please read the text of a speech that Roosevelt gave in 1915, which I have included at the end.)

During the racial upheavals of the 60’s, particularly among black Americans, and the response of the politicians to this particular struggle, a new terminology came into use; African-Americans.   By the 1980's the term was the politically correct word to identify an entire race of Americans.  In just a few short years, this ethnic group rapidly went from being negro, to black, to colored (note: NAACP), to African-American. The long term effects of this change continue to impact our culture even today.  Just ask Paula Deen.

What followed was a rapid grab by group after group for a piece of this new hyphenated American identity.  What Roosevelt rejected, we now embraced.  Native indigenous people gave up the National identities such as Cherokee or Sioux.  They all suddenly became the homogeny that we today call Native-Americans.  Other national heritages followed suit.

Diversity became the goal.  Laws were implemented that would enshrine ethnic and religious diversity as the highest ideal our society should pursue.  However, diversity could not be confined to ethnicity or religion.  If the perceived supreme good that it was believed could be achieved through ethnic / cultural diversity was to be gained, then it should be opened up to include moral diversity as well.  We are now reaping the results of the acceptance of moral standards that are parents and grandparents would have considered as unthinkable perversions.

American is locked today in a struggle to include Undocumented-Americans.  These individuals were previously known as Illegals.  However, for reasons that appear to be far more driven by politics than any other reason, millions of individuals have now joined the realm of hyphenated Americans.

This pervasive hyphenation in so ingrained in the cultural psyche… it’s perceived benefits so generally accepted… that few question it.  It has become an element of every component of our way of life.  Even those who are opponents of “cultural diversity” may not even be aware of the manner in which they unknowingly participate.  IMHO, nowhere is this societal reality more apparent than within the walls of the American Church.  The Church… the collective body of those who call themselves Christian, has become a segregated, separated, hyphenated, society of individual groups each one identified not by a solitary gospel, or by doctrinal distinctives, but by the tastes and preferences enjoyed by each one.

The Church is no longer a body, but a pile of splintered, stylistic factions.   Groups are identified by style, not substance.  Manners of dress defines Churches.  Musical style preferences contribute greatly to hyphenated Christianity.  We no longer are separated by the historic macro-language barriers once marked by national identities.  Language differences today reflect the micro-languages, techno-slang, and emoticons (read: feelings) that are still being developed and change very rapidly in comparison to traditional languages.  Groups are identified by little more than personal preference.   When it comes to deciding where to attend Church, these individual preferences can be as simple as: I like the coffee here rather than there. 

I would like to edit Roosevelt’s words just a bit, and shout to the Church, “There is no room in this Church for hyphenated Christianity…  Men who do not become Christians and nothing else are hyphenated Christians; and there ought to be no room for them in this Church.” 

I would like to add that there should be two groups in the Church: Un-hyphenated Christians, and sinners.  God save us from becoming Starbucks-Christians, or (private label) HeBrews-Christians.  God save us from becoming Contemporary-Christians, or Traditional-Christians… or Casual Attire-Christians, or Jacket-n-Tie-Christians.  We must bring an end to hyphenated Christianity… to a hyphenated Church.

There is no room in this country for hyphenated Americanism. When I refer to hyphenated Americans, I do not refer to naturalized Americans. Some of the very best Americans I have ever known were naturalized Americans, Americans born abroad. But a hyphenated American is not an American at all.”
“This is just as true of the man who puts “native” before the hyphen as of the man who puts German or Irish or English or French before the hyphen. Americanism is a matter of the spirit and of the soul. Our allegiance must be purely to the United States. We must unsparingly condemn any man who holds any other allegiance.”
“But if he is heartily and singly loyal to this Republic, then no matter where he was born, he is just as good an American as any one else.”
“The one absolutely certain way of bringing this nation to ruin, of preventing all possibility of its continuing to be a nation at all, would be to permit it to become a tangle of squabbling nationalities, an intricate knot of German-Americans, Irish-Americans, English- Americans, French-Americans, Scandinavian- Americans, or Italian-Americans, each preserving its separate nationality, each at heart feeling more sympathy with Europeans of that nationality than with the other citizens of the American Republic.”
“The men who do not become Americans and nothing else are hyphenated Americans; and there ought to be no room for them in this country. The man who calls himself an American citizen and who yet shows by his actions that he is primarily the citizen of a foreign land, plays a thoroughly mischievous part in the life of our body politic. He has no place here; and the sooner he returns to the land to which he feels his real heart-allegiance, the better it will be for every good American.”
Theodore Roosevelt 
Address to the Knights of Columbus 
New York City-
October 12th, 1915

Friday, September 13, 2013


I have a question...  My Grandma Daisy Richey, as a little girl living in Nebraska, lived in a Sod House.  Here's the ??  Did women living in houses made of dirt "dust"?  How would you know the difference between dusting and rubbing a whole in the wall?

I believe that much of what we do in the Church today is synonymous with dusting a sod house.  Much of what we do is pointless and illogical.  We spend our days attempting to clean the uncleanable.  In the end, our well intended efforts at cleaning the house can prove to be very counterproductive.

We live in a dirty world.  So… We spend our days trying to clean away a spot of dust.  But what we thought to be a spot soon becomes something much bigger.  And then, because we are so invested in the process, we are incapable of stopping.   We don’t know when to stop… and before you know it, we have put a hole in the wall of the house and passersby look in the window we have made and mock our futility.


Never… never… count people.

People count, but you should never count people.  Your denominational affiliation may insist that you count and report your attendance / membership.  But you should never… I repeat never count people.  This is a miserable truth.  It is one that must be wrestled to the ground and defeated.

Many centuries ago a phrase was used by mariners that is still in use today.  When referring to passengers on a ship, the term that is used is “souls on board”.   When radioing for help in a maritime disaster situation, the question will be asked, “How many souls on board?”   You will argue that I am simply playing words games, but I am not.  Souls matter, people do not.

If we are merely concerned about paying the bills… if we are only concerned with the “tally” that is reported to our denominational overseers, then “butts in the pews” is our goal.  And if butts in the pews is our goal, we can use just about any method to achieve it.  We don’t have to give a tiddly about souls.  

But… if you are pastoring a small congregation you are faced with a huge task.   A horrible temptation hangs over your head each and every day.  Do I count people or do I count souls.  The knowledge that people translates into paychecks can be ghost that haunts our every action; our every decision.

I once had a deacon that came to me with this: “Pastor, we need to advertise in the local paper for a drummer.”  You see, we had a very nice drum set that wasn’t being used.  The drummer that had played for years had moved on to another Church and thus we had no one in our congregation to play.  This issue can be one frequently experience in a smaller sized Church.  Musicians are a luxury.   I suggested that my preferred method for finding a drummer would be that we should pray about it.   We should ask the Lord to bring a qualified person to us.  

Apparently my expression betrayed my skepticism; for she went on to say… “Drums move people.  It doesn’t matter if the drummer is a Christian; any drummer will do.”

Really…!!!!  This deacon had lost sight of the truth that if the Spirit doesn’t move people then do we, should we, really care about the “moving”.  This deacon had lost sight of “souls”, and instead was only concerned with “people”.

Bottom line is that you must make up your mind which way you will play the game: souls or people.  Once your mind is made up in this matter, this decision will provide guidance for all subsequent decisions.

Never… never… count paychecks (yours or others). 

This is huge: if you cannot handle knowing the size of the paychecks of other ministers, then it is better to remain ignorant of this truth.  

I once sat in a meeting with a pulpit committee that was considering me as their next pastor.  We had talked for a very long time about several different matters.  They asked questions of me, and I asked questions of them.  Back and forth it went for I suppose maybe 2 hours or longer.  It became obvious that the Q and A was beginning to wind down, when one of the deacons looked at me and asked, “Do you have any more questions?”  I thought for a moment and said, “No.  I don’t think so.  I think we’ve pretty much covered everything.”  To which he responded, “You haven’t asked about the salary.  You haven’t asked about how much you will be paid.”  With a quiet confidence I said, “It doesn’t matter.  If I am supposed to be the pastor of this congregation, I expect that you will pay me enough to meet my needs.  And if you can’t or don’t, well then… I expect the Lord will make up the difference.  So… I would prefer that we don’t even discuss it.  If it ends up that I am chosen to be your pastor, I will find out how much my salary will be when I get my first paycheck, and that will be soon enough.”

Live free from the worry about the size of your paycheck, and be careful to guard yourself from the knowledge of what others are paid.  Generally, this information does you no good.

Never… never… count how people value your ministry.

What do you do when your ministry is so small that everyone believes that you are insignificant in the Kingdom of God?   What do you do when your ministry is so large that everyone believes that the Kingdom of God can’t exist without you.

To both questions, the answer is the same.  Don’t believe what everyone believes.  Keep doing what God has called you to do, and never count the value placed by others upon your ministry.  There is only one that can determine the value of your ministry and that is the Lord.  And trust me… He will certainly judge it.  However, we must forever remain vigilant in the battle against believing the worth (or lack of worth) placed upon our ministry by men.

Never believe your own résumé.  Never believe your own press.

The poor man believes that God is obligated to help him because of his poverty.  The rich man believes that God is obligated to help him because he (the Lord) dares not “bite the hand that feeds him”.  The wise man knows that God is obligated to do neither.  If you believe what others say about your ministry, whether great or small, you will fail to live in the abundance of God’s grace.

Monday, April 8, 2013

Friday, February 15, 2013


The growth of “Craft” producers is an amazing phenomenon that has taken place over the past decade or so.  It has taken place quietly and without recognition by the vast majority of consumers.   But for the choice few that know about it, they are reaping enormous gastronomic benefits.  As the owner of my own “Hot Sauce” business, I have an up close and personal perspective of this exciting trend in how consumers are using and appreciating products being produced in small batches.  Not only that, but they are willing to pay a small premium to enjoy those benefits.  It should be noted that this rapidly growing trend not only is being experienced in the beer / spirits market, but in everything from jams and jellies, to granola, to teas and coffees… even hot sauces.

However, the thing that can be learned from this might best be seen from an experience that happened to me just a few months ago.  A meeting had been arranged by a broker from Chicago for me to meet with one of the largest wholesale food distributors in the Detroit market.  As we all met together one morning, I sat in a small conference room cluttered with boxes of various food products from many different producers.  Nothing had prepared me for what I was about to experience.

After a few minutes one of the “decision makers” entered the room.  He grabbed a bottle of our Hot Sauce, glanced at the bottle, then… placing it hard back on the table, half sliding it back toward me… he then pointed his finger at me and said… “I don’t care what it tastes like…”  What????  You are one of the biggest players in the food game, and you don’t care what it tastes like..???!!!   That’s like a pastor saying that he doesn’t care if anyone gets saved!

Has not the Church always been a “Craft” industry?  The church has always featured “local” flavors.  It has historically been “sold” best by people who were deeply invested and intensely passionate about their “product”.   It has only been in last several decades that we have had the notion that “mega-whatever” is better.  But is “mega” really better?  It doesn’t matter what the industry is; whether it is producing beer, or hot sauce, or converts to Christianity… sometimes people get hungry for something better than a mass produced bottle of “Franks”!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013


A friend of mine recently recommended a Blog article entitled: “In Praise of Denominations”.  I was interested in reading it for three reasons.  First, I really respect my friend, and thus his recommendations.  Secondly, I am old enough to have survived the “denominations are of devil” era of the 1970’s, and so have a bit of experience in this matter.  And thirdly, there is a large local independent congregation in our area that is openly antagonistic toward “organized religion”.  After reading the article, I thought I would pen some of my own thoughts on this matter.

The article cataloged 10 reasons why denominations should be praised; everything from a mechanism for accountability to support of missions.  All of the reasons listed were fair and appropriate.  However, this issue is most certainly not one sided.  While there is much for which denominations can and should be praised, there can be a very, very dark underbelly which cannot be ignored.  In fact, all of the good of which denominations can accomplish can be completely negated by the evil which can lurk within. 

The most serious evil which can so easily infect the health of formalized Christian organizations is corruption within the leadership.  And the specific corruption to which I refer is the same danger spoken of in the Scripture; the lust of the eyes, the pride of life, and the boasting of what one has or has done.  Because there is such an inordinate trust typically placed in denominational leaders, this evil can be exponentially greater than normal.

The most telling symptom of this corruption is “non-transparency”.   Any denominational leadership that is unwilling to be absolutely and completely transparent about the issues of finance, as well as ministry schedules and activities should be suspect.  Any denominational leadership office that is unwilling to maintain a website which makes accessible to the members an open ledger of every dime received and spent should be suspect.  Any denominational leadership that lives a lifestyle that is drastically in contrast to the rank and file membership should be suspect.

Some might recoil at my last comment; however, give me a moment to explain.  I have no problem whatsoever with any person being stinkin’ rich.  Christian or not… I don’t care.  As long as it is made honestly, and as long as the tithe is paid, make as much as you desire.  However, there is an exception.  Please note that in the sphere of “business” this exception disappears, but in the sphere of Christian ministry it cannot be ignored.

One that desires to serve in a capacity of Christian leadership must be sensitive to the body to which he is called to serve.  A leader loses credibility when they become too far removed from the reality of the people they lead.  And a leader MUST have credibility.  His lifestyle should be a reflection of those whom he serves.  I Corinthians 9:20-22

It is for this reason, among several, that I am an advocate of “term limits” for denominational leaders.  If a denominational leader wants to be wealthy, that wealth should not come during his term of leadership.  Let him make his wealth, as much as he wants, before or after; and if before, then it should be placed in a managed trust prior to his term of office.   He can return to a more affluent lifestyle once he leaves his post of leadership if he so chooses.   

Sadly, this is not the normal pattern for denominational leadership.  The normal pattern is that men who began with hearts of gratitude and humility begin to slowly change as they acquire power and wealth.  Then, one day, they wake up and realize how disparate their lives have become from those who trusted them with the ministry in the beginning. It then becomes necessary for them to conceal their life and wealth.  Ultimately… one day… the truth becomes known.  And then… denominations loose their luster.

That’s the bad news.  However, the good news about Christian organizations is that they have the ability to reboot.  They can start fresh.  They can be redeemed.  And it is then that the polish can be restored to the denominational vessel, and lives can be won for the Kingdom.